Monday Mad List: Roundabouts 101

Traffic circle

I'm certainly no speed racer in my little car, but I am proud to say that I do know the difference between a yield and stop sign, and how to get around the roundabouts near my home downtown. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for the incompetent drivers I encounter there on a daily basis.

Whether it's prolonged hesitation while approaching this simple intersection, veering into my lane in a panic, stopping at a yield sign [since when did yield = stop?] or otherwise creating unnecessary chaos, there's a good handful of drivers that need to wise up and stop driving like idiots. It's a pity they can't get it right because, given they are used correctly, roundabouts cut costs, improve traffic flow, and keep me from racing through yellow lights.

I'm not sure why people make something so simple so difficult, but a simple Google search yielded [haha] these helpful links that should be sent en masse to the drivers that just can't seem to get it right:

How to Use a Roundabout: The nice folks of Grand Rapids City provide an illustrated guide to navigating roundabouts for those lacking in common sense. If you're not a roundabout master after viewing this .pdf, at least there is a map showcasing the intersections downtown so you might avoid them [and annoying more adept drivers like myself].
Around the Roundabout: MDOT's less idiot friendly guide even explains what it means to yield!

1 comment:

  1. haha i would be one of those idiots. there's no roundabouts in georgia really. these things make me nervious. you'd think that one would just look and then enter the stream when appropriate but alas, doesn't work that way.
